Poland Roll Jacek Śmigiel, ul. Leśna 17, 86-021 Żołędowo, Poland
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Our advantages

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Wide Range of Products

We are not limited to products in stock, but we constantly monitor the market to be up to date with the best offer for you. We work with many suppliers and manufacturers from around the world, to provide current and the most appropriate solutions for a specific application. In addition, we advise on many choices from various manufacturers and price categories. 


Customer demand analysis

We provide support and individual approach at every stage of cooperation. We are aware of the importance of the machines and devices you have. We analyze their application and requirements and prepare the best solution so that you can enjoy their smooth functioning.


Reliability and Quality

We know how important your work is.  That is why we make every effort to our deliveries to be always on time. Many years of experience in the industry and bearings market allow us to ensure operational efficiency and good quality of products.


Partnership in Business

In our business, we follow the principles of good business practices in accordance with the highest legal and ethical standards. In everyday relations, we rely on a partner approach to each person. We appreciate honest and open communication. We focus on continuous development and raising qualifications


Customer Support

You do not need to be familiar with bearings. It is our job to advise you in choosing the most effective solutions. We provide professional service supported by knowledge and experience, as well as bearing market recognition. We also advise on how to balance purchasing processes, in order to improve significant annual indicators and reduce costs. 

Contact US

Please send us your inquiry in any form (mail, phone, sms, mms, etc.). We provide prompt and good offer. We can deliver goods to any place in Poland, Europe and in the world.

e-mail: info@polandroll.pl
phone +48 666 082 913

Company data
Poland Roll Jacek Śmigiel
ul. Leśna 17
86-021 Żołędowo, Poland